He was an evil genius. Steve Jobs did great harm to the world with
his iThings: computers designed to be jails for their users. His genius
was to find the way to make these jails desirable so that millions would
clamor to be locked up.
Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St Boston MA 02110 USA
www.fsf.org www.gnu.org
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call
Police investigate News Corporation for 'sabotaging rival to Sky'
Rupert Murdoch's company accused of using industrial espionage to cripple competitor
Scotland Yard is investigating allegations that a subsidiary of
Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation sabotaged Sky TV's
biggest rival, Exaro can reveal.
Detectives in the Metropolitan Police Service's "specialist
crime and operations" section are assessing sensational
claims that a technology firm then part-owned by News
Corporation, NDS, used a computer hacker to undermine
On Digital.
Carlton and Granada set up On Digital in 1998, posing a
threat to Sky's dominance of the UK's pay-TV market.
Renamed ITV Digital three years later, it was plagued by
widespread piracy and folded in 2002.
This is just the tip of the ice-berg. We have read with concern
this week how dangerous the concentration of wealth is when hacker
turned whistle blower Jan Saggiori was taken to court on trumped
up accusations that internal emails reveal were never legally sound.
We ..... have no case against Jan,. the US executive overseeing the
lawsuit, former Army intelligence officer John Norris, told Adams (
About Ray Adams )
two months after it was served on Saggiori, yet legal proceedings continued
for another nine months.
The accusations and threats from a major legal firm were to scare
fellow whistle blowers from engaging in any similar revelations.
For a single individual to receive such threats would compel visions
of legal eagles tearing one.s life apart. One could imagine Mr Saggiori
having comparatively fewer resources to defend himself, revealing the
legal barrier to entry exorbitant lawyer fees place on our right to
self-defense and thus the opportunity of freedom.
4th February 2014
Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland, February 4, 2014 . The Kudelski Group
(SIX: KUD.S) today announced a multi-year patent cross-license agreement
with Cisco Systems, Inc. under which the companies will license their
respective patent portfolios to each other with certain restrictions.
"As it has done throughout its 60+ year history, the Kudelski Group continues
to invest heavily in innovation and the development of intellectual property,.
said Joe Chernesky, Senior Vice President of Intellectual Property and Innovation
at The Kudelski Group. "This agreement with Cisco represents further validation
of our intellectual property portfolio while enabling a new area of collaboration
between the two companies..
In addition, the parties have resolved all pending litigation between the companies
and Cisco will pay Kudelski Group an up front, lump sum payment.
Another 45.69$ from NDS/Cisco Technologies to Nagra/Kudelski ?